After a lot of research and determination, at the beginning of this year, I have decided to freeze my eggs as an option for the future. It was a big decision for me not only because of the cost of egg freezing is so high for someone doesn’t have the insurance cover, but it also entails considerable levels of responsibilities, physical and emotional challenges. I am going to share my struggles and thinking process before deciding on my first egg freezing cycle. This is a blog for my egg freezing journey!
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Struggles for egg freezing
It may seem like an easy decision at first glance: there is nothing to lose to have some of your own eggs preserved as a backup plan for life, right? (Except the financial aspect I guess..) At least that was how I thought initially. However, when you try to find out more about what is egg freezing, many women will start to fall into the rabbit hole, start to struggle and feel overwhelmed.
Two major problems about egg freezing that make me indecisive:
The first one being the fact that only a very low percentage of women who froze their egg actually use them. So then what is my chance of doing all these for nothing? My resolution is that, if that is the case, congratulations! You should feel happy and blessed that you can conceive naturally, or you made up your mind of not having the need to have your biological children. AND that you don’t have to go through the next step of egg freezing: in vitro fertilization and embryo implantation, which don’t seem to be fun, and at the same time costly.
The second one is that even if you decided to actually thaw your eggs and move on to the next step of IVF, the success rate of having a live birth is pretty low and it usually requires you to do multiple rounds (of course you need to have enough eggs to start with). I don’t know how to resolve that in my mind. Just hoping with the advancement of science, the success rate can improve in the near future. After all, there is no guarantee in any of these processes. But if you do it, there is a chance or option in the future, before it is too late and have no choice.
Additional struggles
Adding more to the plate, my additional emotional struggle was whether I really want to and have the ability to raise a kid, a big responsibility!
I know it sounds like I was too far ahead of myself! But the concept of responsibility and to make sure I’m not doing something I don’t want in the future, just bothers me. We should all be responsible for what we do and think before acting.
After talking to a couple of close friends and contemplating why I wanted to do egg freezing in the first place, I decided to just go ahead and get it done. If the same thought keep coming back every time when something similar happens, it means you know what you want. It is a good indication that you should proceed and stop worrying.